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Secondary school admissions

When transferring to secondary school (Year 7), application forms will be available between the October and November for admission for the following September.

How to apply for a school place?

If you wish to apply for a current secondary school place, please refer as an In Year Admission.

If you have any queries please contact the School Admissions team on 01639 763580/763730 or email

In Year Admissions

A fresh start at a new school at the beginning of the school year would be the choice of most parents. Consideration needs to be given to avoid a change of schools during the school year.

Circumstances often mean this not possible and a move during the school year becomes unavoidable. Before deciding to change schools, parents should talk to their child’s teacher or head teacher. Many issues that worry children and parents can often be sorted out without the need to move schools. Please, before taking the decision to change school, talk to the staff at your child’s school.

Changing Schools can be a serious step for your child to take. This is especially so in secondary schools, in particular when they reach Year 10 or 11. At this stage pupils have already chosen and are studying their selected exam options. Their choice of options, or exam boards may be completely different in a new school, even if this school is still within Neath Port Talbot.

Careful consideration should always be given before making any decision to change schools. If there is no other way forward then download an In Year application form.

Parents should not remove children from a school until an admission to an alternative school has been agreed

Contact Us

Main Rd, Cadoxton, Aberdulais, Neath SA10 8DB

01639 634700